Microcredential Framework (where the centre is recognition)
It’s interesting to me that the last time I actually blogged was a summary of the Epic 2022 conference. I had completely forgotten that I had taken such detailed notes, which is one of the things that I appreciate about having a blog for these things. In the past couple of years I’ve shifted some of my attention from the open education world to the RPL/VPL/PLAR world. Here in BC this is known as prior learning assessment and recognition, while in other jurisdictions it’s known as the recognition of prior learning or the validation of prior learning. Thanks to Epic, I’ve come to understand the broader umbrella as recognition. In…
ePIC22 conference – From Open Recognition to Empowerment
This was the 20th year of the ePIC conference, a relatively small international gathering of French and English speaking participants who have been coming together around open badges and open recognition. This year’s theme – Open Badges: From Recognition to Empowerment – pulled together an impressive list of keynotes and speakers and refreshingly didn’t make tech a star of the show, which is often what happens with many other conferences that involve some sort of innovation or ed tech component. In 2020 I participated in the COVID pivot online version of ePIC and was introduced to the concept of community based open recognition. This was a very interesting idea for me, and one…
Alternative credentials – micro-credentials, stackable credentials, and digital badges
I’ve had varying levels of interest in micro-credentials and its cousin – digital badges- over the years, ranging from “not interested” to “there’s great potential”. Part of the reason is that any innovation that resembles a twist on something that higher ed has been doing for decades, especially if technology is the twist, evokes an eye roll in me. This summer’s personal and consulting project had me diving in a bit more into the world of micro-credentials, stackable credentials, and digital credentials. And no, these aren’t all the same thing, but they occupy the same house called alternative credentials. Here’s what I learned: There are no common definitions Alternative credentials…
Applied research day, badging, faculty development and iPads: Week 8 in review
WordPress theme: I changed the theme for this blog, and it feels like a new pair of fabulous shoes. JIBC Applied Research Day: We seem to struggle to attract a big audience to our annual research day, but this year was one of the best IMO. Instead of a keynote, the day kicked off with a series of presentations by students on research they are doing as part of their Bachelors program capstone projects. This was quite impressive and a testament to how integrated applied research has become in our programs, albeit quietly it seems. The speed research presentations were also fun, and I continue to love this format. Missing…