Open Education Practices – A framework and self-assessment tool for institutions
In a previous post, I wrote about how research on blended learning could provide some insights on open education initiatives. I pointed to an article by Lim and Wang (2016) who provide a useful framework and self-assessment tool for evaluating blended learning initiatives that I thought could be adapted to institutional open initiatives. The article is called A Framework and Self‐Assessment Tool for Building the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions for Blended Learning and it’s part of a volume of work published by UNESCO in 2017 called Blended learning for quality higher education: selected case studies on implementation from Asia-Pacific. I took a stab at tweaking this framework and am…
#OpenEd 14 -Evolving towards open in a relatively closed institution
At Open Education 2014 last week in Washington, DC, I presented our preliminary findings on our JIBC OER study that we conducted in September and October 2014. The presentation can be fully accessed here but it’s a bit useless without some narrative, so here’s a summary. 1. Our institutional context – I spent some time talking about institutional context since I think it’s relevant to discussions about OER uptake especially in relation to business models, yet doesn’t often get discussed. Since I was staying near George Washington University I did a crude comparison of GWU tuition dollars to JIBC institutional budget (and number of students). To some extent, this answers the…