Easy multimedia
A quick trip over at one of my favourite sites, Interactive Narratives, lead me to VuVox, a Web 2.0 multimedia authoring tool that stole my attention for about a half an hour. There could be lots of useful applications of tools like this in higher ed, in particular where multimedia development resources might be stretched, or where there is a desire for students to tell a story, explain, show understanding, or even synthesize in a multi-layered, dynamic way. Robin Good provides a nice overview/how to on the tool
Why haven’t I tried this yet?
Found this review of Calameo buried in my bookmarks, and am wondering why I haven’t used it yet? Has anybody used Calameo as a tool for creating OERs? Or even as a type of online course manual?
wordpress themes
Via Mashable, some nifty themes that could be useful for some innovative projects–for now, parking this one, and this one with a bit of tweaking could be nice too.
this is nice
I’ve used a few wiki systems over the years, and for a technology so simple I’ve at times found it surprisingly difficult to create the kind of pages I wanted and needed. The arrival of wiki editors facilitated things somewhat, making formatting a lot easier, but my other main challenges with wikis were: 1. uploading/linking to images 2. keeping my pages organized in some sort of navigation structure A couple of years ago I blogged about PB wiki (peanut butter wiki), a free wiki that had some features I really liked which seemed novel at the time: public or private settings, a nice interface, and decent navigation. A recent visit…