Examples of open education practices enabled by OpenETC infrastructure
For some time I’ve been wanting to share some examples of what open education practices (OEP) enabled by open ed tech looks like in practice. OpenETC provides open ed tech infrastructure to the BC higher ed sector in the form of 3 types of services: WordPress, Mattermost, and Sandstorm click and go apps. The most visible examples of OEP are in the WordPress part of OpenETC, since Mattermost (open source Slack) is a more private class or group space, and Sandstorm uses-in-practice aren’t visible to us as administrators. So this is a round-up of a selection of uses of WordPress in OpenETC. WordPress E-portfolios Last year, the biggest uptake for OpenETC…
Week in Review Nov 22/2019
The big event of the week was heading to Victoria for a one day planning day with the Open Team followed by an all-BCcampus retreat. One of the things that I love about BCcampus is all the exposure I’m getting to how meetings, planning, retreats are facilitated and set up, and of course getting to experience different liberating structures. I’d really love to up my facilitation game so I’m paying more attention to all of the small details. One of the things that I thought worked really well for the Open Team planning day was having each person do a 5 minute lightening talk on what they were working on…
Open Education Practices – A framework and self-assessment tool for institutions
In a previous post, I wrote about how research on blended learning could provide some insights on open education initiatives. I pointed to an article by Lim and Wang (2016) who provide a useful framework and self-assessment tool for evaluating blended learning initiatives that I thought could be adapted to institutional open initiatives. The article is called A Framework and Self‐Assessment Tool for Building the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions for Blended Learning and it’s part of a volume of work published by UNESCO in 2017 called Blended learning for quality higher education: selected case studies on implementation from Asia-Pacific. I took a stab at tweaking this framework and am…
The Future of Ed Tech in Higher Ed when Open Source is a Radical Solution
Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to be a keynote speaker at the Open Apereo 2019 conference. This is the first time a keynote I’ve done has been recorded so I’m posting the recording as well as the text script (even thought I diverged from it on occasion). I have nothing but huge gratitude to all the wonderful organizers and people I met at the conference in LA and I sincerely hope that our complementary worlds of open education and Apereo will overlap more in our future activities. It is a great pleasure to be here today, not only because I am a huge admirer of Apereo but also because…
Open infrastructure and open education practices
One of the questions that I’ve been percolating and discussing with my OpenETC collaborators is the extent can you do open and engage in open education practices without open infrastructure. The timing is perfect, as I’m about to embark on a two week guest speaker gig for the MET course Planning and Managing Educational Technologies for Higher Education. This is the third year I’ll be doing a guest speaker spot in this course, and while in the previous years I focussed on the institutional organisation of educational technologies, this time I’m going to focus on the growing importance of considering open educational technology as part of the educational technology infrastructure of an institution.…