Reflections on #OER17 – From Beyond Content to Open Pedagogy
In 2012 I attended the Open Ed conference in Vancouver , provocatively titled Beyond Content. This was the same conference where Gardner Campbell captured our hearts with his infamous quote “this is not what I meant at all” , mirroring a sentiment that open was being co-opted by corporate interests and heading down a slippery slope of open-washing and dubious learner benefit. But what also struck me about this particular Open Ed conference was that the sessions weren’t really about Beyond Content in the way I had anticipated…the session archive shows that we were still very much talking about OERs, open courseware, and beginning to explore open textbooks. In other words, content was still how…
Competencies and OER considerations
In December I was given an opportunity to work on a project that involves developing a checklist of instructor competencies for e-learning. This kind of project has the appearance of being simple, since checklists are purposefully simple after all. But delving into the world of instructors, competencies, and e-learning is an onion with many layers, and one that engages a bit of an internal struggle. The administrator-by-day part of me welcomes this project since it will have an immediate, tangible benefit to the people I work with and have a mandate to support. If done well, it will help with planning, managing, and evaluating some of our activities. It can…
Box.net as a media repository
This post is basically a thinly-veiled, massive plug for Box.net. You can read all about what it’s supposed to do on their website, but I’ve been using it here at Canadian Polytechnic as a media repository for one of the programs I work with. Consider the problem (one not so unique): you work within a large unit that produces fantastic media for the institution on a daily basis. This media gets used by instructors and students via different channels–online courses using a CMS, websites, powerpoints, even paper manuals. The media is then dispersed through all these channels and sits in various locations–personal hard drives, servers, DVDs, CMS repositories. There…
Why haven’t I tried this yet?
Found this review of Calameo buried in my bookmarks, and am wondering why I haven’t used it yet? Has anybody used Calameo as a tool for creating OERs? Or even as a type of online course manual?