Week in Review Feb 14
I don’t really know how to write about this week. BCNet, after 2 or 3 years of having 1/3 keynote slots for a female speaker, went back to an all male keynote panel. Over the years I’ve provided no less than 9 names of potential speakers, spoken directly to an organizer who told me how “hard” it was, left comments on feedback forms and online surveys. For what? So much of rattling the cages and pointing out this nonsense is tiring. But it’s just a keynote right? Unfortunately, this complicit blindness extends upwards to our entire sector who still feel that in 2020 it’s ok to have senior leadership teams…
Week in Review Feb 7
This week it felt like all my planning pieces came together – thankfully, because I felt like I spend a lot of time overthinking certain things in an effort to be collaborative and cautious, but I’ll be honest that I’m ready to get going on the doing. Fortunately, there are lots of doing things that get me excited. I’m about 3 months in to these weekly reflections and had to do a check in with myself about them, namely, is this right format? Am I just sharing my laundry list? Does it make me feel bad when I don’t have much to report on? Should I maybe just focus on…
Week in Review – January 17
This week in review is coming a day early as I head to Edmonton for the Junior Nationals Olympic Weightlifting competition, perfectly timed with a deep weather freeze. Let’s start with the important stuff. I finished my 2 quilt blocks for #femedtechquilt. First is a rip off/inspired by Effin Birds, using a laser printed photo transfer. This is where you reverse print your image, then apply it to fabric with gel medium. Once dried overnight, you soak it with water and gently remove the paper. The removing the paper part is a bit tricky and you have to have a fair amount of patience (which I don’t have) but after…
Week in Review – Jan 10
Well, coming back after a couple of weeks off was a bit harder than I thought it would be. First, here’s what the last couple of weeks looked like. I got a new pair of snowboard boots (first pair in 20 years!!), the kind with fancy turny things that tighten them so I don’t have to do up laces. I tried them out on a spectacular – and well timed for lots of fresh powder – week with the family at Silverstar. The RWA (of which I’m a new member) imploded. The romance writing industry has notoriously privileged white, female and straight and the industry and the association has basically…
Week in Review Dec 20
I took Monday off, so I caught up on some podcasts and painting. I also booked a January (brrr) flight to Edmonton where I’ll see my daughter compete in the Junior Nationals Olympic lifting. I’m hoping for good weather which means nothing worse than -15C. The rest of the week was a lot of going through my lists and crossing things off in anticipation of a nice break. Our team did some more work on our strategic bucket planning, we had an OpenETC meeting and wrapped up our roadmap and budget proposal, I sat in on a great presentation by Selina on the OER findability project here at BCcampus which…
Week in review – Dec 6 and Dec 13
Sometimes one week blends into 2, and I can’t recall why I didn’t wrap up last week but that’s the way it goes sometimes. I’ve been working on a post-conference OE Global summary, which is taking a bit longer than usual since I decided to stay off devices and hand write all of my notes during the conference. This worked really well for keeping me present and properly listening, but it’s not so great for pulling it all together in post conference blog post. Conference proposals: I somehow managed to get proposals in for Festival of Learning, OTESSA, and OER20. This was an epic couple of weeks of proposal writing,…
Week in Review Nov 22/2019
The big event of the week was heading to Victoria for a one day planning day with the Open Team followed by an all-BCcampus retreat. One of the things that I love about BCcampus is all the exposure I’m getting to how meetings, planning, retreats are facilitated and set up, and of course getting to experience different liberating structures. I’d really love to up my facilitation game so I’m paying more attention to all of the small details. One of the things that I thought worked really well for the Open Team planning day was having each person do a 5 minute lightening talk on what they were working on…
Week in Review Nov 15/2019
The short week threw me for a surprise – for some reason Remembrance Day does this to me every year. On Monday I got out to my local Remembrance Day celebration at the aptly named Memorial Park, surrounded by neighbours and @levalee who was there with her 95 year old dad! She shared this great article about him and his role in a fascinating piece of Canadian Veteran and Chinese Canadian history. This was followed up by 2 days of planning and strategizing by the BCcampus Teaching and Learning Team, full of liberating structures and buckets. We ecocycled, 1-2-4 all’ed, spiral journaled, and knotworked our way through our current and…
Weeks 19,20,21 in Review
I’m a bit behind on my Weeks in review, partly because some of it I can’t really blog about, I was sick, or I was working on stuff I’ve already blogged about. Open Ed 2015: Our abstract was accepted, to my surprise quite honestly, since as a reviewer for some of the submissions I happened to notice there were a lot of really good submissions. Really good. So I’m pleased, and we’ll do our best to make sure our research and presentation is awesome. Guadalajara project: In addition to @cogdog, @brlamb, @bkiddjibc, @ken_bauer (as coach), we added @nancywhite to our teaching and development team. I’m elated at how this is shaping…
Weeks 17 and 18 in Review
I got to spend a whirlwind week with a fellow JIBC colleague @bkiddjibc and @cogdog in Guadalajara this week, so I barely remember the previous week. It was great to introduce both of them to the really fantastic team of people we are working with at the University of Guadalajara, where we are creating a faculty development program for 300 UdeG faculty. I learned that the team we are working with have a mandate of faculty development and accreditation, but they’ve decided it’s important to go much further and are stretching the innovation envelope as well, so this explains their willingness and openness to roll with what we have proposed. The…