Presentations and Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Google Scholar Citations

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Keynotes and Invited Presentations

Deepwell, M., Bell, F., Scott, A., Morgan, T. (2020, November). Open Education and Ethical Futures. Keynote panel at Open Education Global 2020, Virtual.

Morgan, T. (2019, June).  The Future of Ed Tech in Higher Education when Open Source is a Radical Solution. Keynote at Open Apereo, Los Angeles, USA.

Morgan, T. (2019, March). The Landscape of Research on Open in BC. Keynote at Open Education Week 2019, Kwantlen Polytechnic, Vancouver, Canada

Morgan, T. (2017, July). “Lo que aprendo en internet y lo que comparto” Student perspectives on UdeG Agora. Invited talk at Conectactica 2017, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Morgan, T. (2017, May). Innovation in Higher Education…and other blasts from the past. Keynote at Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE), Banff, Canada.

Morgan, T. (2016, July). Future considerations in the adoption of educational technologies. Keynote at International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Rhodes, Greece.

Morgan, T., Levine, A., Lamb, B. (2015, December). Edupunk/DIO y buenas prácticas. Invited panel at Conectáctica, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Morgan, T., Lamb, B. (2015, July).  Reflecting on the Agora: Design, Best Practices, Challenges and Surprises. Conectáctica2017, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Morgan, T. (2017, May). Teaching, Learning, and Student Success in the Context of Openness. Invited talk at Colleges and Institutes Canada Conference 2017, Ottawa, Canada.

Morgan, T. (2017, May). Innovating with Open:  Open Technologies, Open Collaborations, and Open Pedagogy. Invited talk at Colleges and Institutes Canada Conference 2017, Ottawa, Canada.


Harrison, M. ., Paskevicius, M., Devries , I. ., & Morgan , T. . (2022). Crowdsourcing the (Un)Textbook: Rethinking and Future Thinking the Role of the Textbook in Open PedagogyThe Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal2(1), 1–17.

Morgan, T., Childs, E., Hendricks, C. ., Harrison, M., DeVries, I., & Jhangiani, R. (2021). How Are We Doing with Open Education Practice Initiatives? Applying an Institutional Self-Assessment Tool in Five Higher Education InstitutionsThe International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning22(4), 125–140.

Morgan, T. (2019). Getting to Openness at a Closed Institution: A case study of evolving and sustaining open education practices.  Journal of Learning For Development, 6(3), 245-261.

Bullen, M. & Morgan, T. (2015). Digital Learners in Higher Education: Implications for Teaching, Learning & Technology. In M. Gisbert & M. Bullen (Eds.). Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds: Strategies and Issues in Higher Education, 11-19. Tarragona, Spain: Publicacions URV

Morgan, T. (2011).  Online classroom or community-in-the-making?  Instructor conceptualizations and teaching presence in international online contexts. Journal of Distance Education, 25, 1. (Awarded Article of the Year 2011)

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Qayyum, A. (2011). Digital Learners in Higher Education: Generation is Not the Issue.  Canadian Journal of Learning Technology, 37(1). (Awarded Article of the Year 2011)

Morgan, T. & Bullen, M. (2011). Digital Learners in Higher Education: A Research Project Update. Journal of Distance Education, 25(1). (in FYI section)

Bullen, M. & Morgan, T. (2011). Digital Learners Not Digital Natives. La Cuestión Universitaría, 7, pp. 60-68.

Morgan, T., & Carey, S. (2009).  From Open Content to Open Course Models: Increasing Access and Enabling Global Participation in Higher Education.
International Review of Open and Distance Learning 10 (5).

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., Belfer, K. & Qayyum, A. (2009). The Net Generation in Higher Education: Rhetoric and Reality. International Journal of Excellence in E-Learning, 2(1).

Basharina, O., Guardado, M., Morgan, T.  (2008). Negotiating differences: Instructors’ reflections on challenges in international telecollaboration. Canadian Modern Language Review 65, (2).

Carey, S. & Morgan, T. (2005). Intercultural communication in online forums: Exploring new possibilities. Polyglossia, 10, 1-14.

Book Chapters

Bullen, M. & Morgan, T. (2015). Digital Learners in Higher Education: Implications for Teaching, Learning & Technology. In M. Gisbert & M. Bullen (Eds.). Teaching and Learning in Digital Worlds: Strategies and Issues in Higher Education, 11-19. Tarragona, Spain: Publicacions URV.

Morgan, T. & Belfer, K.  (2006). A framework for choosing communication activities in E-learning. In Bullen, M. & Janes, D. (Eds.), Making the Transition to E-Learning: Issues and Strategies (pp. 229-242). Hershey, PA: The Idea Group.

Published Proceedings

Morgan, T., & Kidd, B. (2017). The Agora: an Open Faculty Development Program in Student Centred and Mobile Learning. In Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education (p. 191). libreriauniversitaria. it Edizioni.

Morgan, T., & Bullen, M. (2013). Crossing boundaries: Exploring social and academic uses of technology in Higher Education. In International Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Learning IPTEL 2013 Conference Proceedings (p. 9).

Cervera, M. G., Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Revisión Sistemática y comprensiva de la literatura acerca de la relación entre Digital Learners y Competencia Digital (2001-2010). In III European Conference on Information Technology in Education and Society: A Critical Insight (pp. 131-134).

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., Romero, M., Sangrà, A., & Guitert, M. (2012). Social Use and Educational Practice: Digital Learners and ICT Use in Higher Education. III Congrés Europeu de Tecnologies de la Informació en l’Educació i en la Societat: Una visió crítica, 52.

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Qayyum, A. (2011). Digital Learners in Higher Education: Looking Beyond Stereotypes. Proceedings of the ED MEDIA conference, Lisbon, July 1, 2011.

Morgan, T. & Carey, S.  (2009).  From Open Content to Open Course Models:  Enabling global participation in higher education. Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education 2009. Maastricht, Netherlands.

Belfer, K. & Morgan, T. (2005). Enhancing Teaching Presence and Reducing Distance Using Voice Technologies. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2005 (pp. 537-542). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Refereed Presentations

Morgan, T. (2019, November). Instructional Designers and Open Educational Practices:  Negotiating the gap between intentional and operational agency. Presentation at the Open Education Global (OE Global) conference, Milan, Italy.

Morgan, T. (2019, May).  Instructional Designers and Open Education Practices. Presentation at Canadian Network for Innovation (CNIE) conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Cleveland-Innes, M.; Morgan, T., & Sharif, A. (2019, May) Creating lifelong learners with open education: What role for education?  Panel presentation at Canadian Network for Innovation (CNIE) conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Harrison, M., Paskevicius, M., Morgan, T., DeVries, I. (2019, April). Critical Learning Design and the Untextbook Sprint. Workshop at Cascadia Open Summit, Vancouver, Canada.

De Vries, I., Harrison, M., Morgan, T., & Paskevicious, M.  (2019, May).  An Untextbook on Rethinking Instructional Design.Presentation at OER19 Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Morgan, T. Adams, T. Bali, M. & Hodgkinson-Williams, C. (2019 April).  Can we decolonize open?  Presentation at OER19 Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Potter, G. Lamb, B., & Morgan, T. (2019 April). OpenETC: A Collaborative or a Cooperative? Presentation at OER19 Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Dorey-Elias, T., Rolfe, V., Morgan, T. (2018, April).  Digging into the past – Historical branches of open. Presentation at OER18, Bristol, UK.

Morgan, T., Rosas, P., Cobián, S. (2017, April).  Evaluating the effectiveness of an open pedagogy approach. Presentation at OER17, London, UK.

Lalonde, C., Morgan, T., Payne, B., Rogic, N. (2016, November). An Open Ed Tech Collaborative for Creating Open Ed Tech Infrastructure. Panel presentation at the Open Education conference, Richmond, Virgina, USA.

 Morgan, T., Lamb, B., Levine, A., Bateman, T. (2015, November). Welcome to the Agora: Creating new faculty and student experiences through open tools and open pedagogy. Paper presented at the Open Education conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Morgan, T., & Kidd, B. (2015, October). Flexible learning in the workplace: a new model for scenario-based flexible learning. Paper presented at the Cohere conference, Victoria, Canada.

Morgan, T. (2014, November). Evolving Towards Open at a Relatively Closed Institution. Paper presented at the Open Education conference, Washington, DC.

Morgan, T. (2014, May). The Places, Spaces, and Cultures of Applied Learning. Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Innovation (CNIE) conference, Kamloops, British Columbia.

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., Romero, M. & Guitert, M. (2012). Social Use and Educational Practice: Developing an Understanding of the Digital Learner and ICT Use. Presentation to the the European Conference on Information Technology in Education & Society, February 3, 2012.

Morgan, T. & Carey, S.  (2009, June).  From Open Content to Open Course Models:  Enabling global participation in higher education. Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education 2009, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Qayyum, A., Bullen, M., & Morgan, T. (2009, May). Communication Preferences of Postsecondary Learners: Are Net Gen Learners Really that Different. Presentation to the Canadian Network for Innovation (CNIE) conference, Ottawa, Ontario.

Carey, S., Morgan, T.  (2008, November).  Exploring Multilingual Aspects of Online Participation.  E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Las Vegas, USA.

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., Qayyum, A. & Belfer, K.  (2008, October).  The Digital Learner at BCIT and Implications for an E-Strategy. European Distance Education Network  Research Workshop 2008, Paris, France.

Morgan, T. & Carey, S. (2008, June). Exploring Instructors’ Online EOL Instructional Activity From a Cultural Historical Activity Theory Approach.  Paper presented at the Association Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquee-Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Morgan, T. & Carey, S.  (2008, April).  Online Classroom or Community in the Making?Instructor conceptualizations and presence in online discussion forums. Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education 2008, Banff, Canada.

Bullen, M., Qayyum, A., Morgan, T., & Belfer, K.  (2008, April). The Digital Learner at BCIT:The Myth and the Reality. Paper presented at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education 2008, Banff, Canada.

Morgan, T. (2008, March). Online teaching in international contexts:towards a socio-cultural perspective of teaching presencePaper presented at the CIDER Sessions, March 28, 2008.

Morgan, T., Carey, S. (2006, June).  Participation in online contexts:  the role of social presence and instructor presence.  Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics 2006, Montreal, Quebec.

Morgan, T. (2005, July). Mixed mode and online: Examining social presence and ESL/non-ESL participation.  Association Internationale de Linguistique Applique, Madison, Wisconsin.

Belfer, K., Morgan, T. (2005, October). Enhancing Teaching Presence and Reducing Distance Using Voice Technologies. Paper presented to E- Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Belfer, K., Morgan, T., Underhill, C. (2005, May). CARNet/UBC: Three Approaches to a Case Study in an International Collaboration. Paper presented to the Canadian Association of Distance Education 2005 Conference: Learning Virtually…. anywhere, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.

Morgan, T., Carey, S. (2003, May). Intercultural Collaborative Learning in Online Forums.  WorldCALL 2003,  Banff, Alberta.

Other Communications and Publications (non-refereed)

Morgan, T. (2019). Innovation in Higher Education … and Other Blasts from the Past. In R. Kimmons, EdTech in the Wild: critical blog posts. EdTech Books. Retrieved from

Morgan, T. (2019). Open Pedagogy and a Very Brief History of the Concept. In R. Kimmons, EdTech in the Wild: critical blog posts. EdTech Books. Retrieved from

Morgan, T. (2019, February 22). The range of research on open in BC [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Adam, T., Bali, M., Hodgkinson-Williams, C., Morgan, T. (2019, February 26). Can we decolonize OER/Open? [Blog Post]. Retrieved from .

Morgan, T. (Guest). (2019, February 22).  Gettin’ Air with Terry Greene[Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

Morgan, T. (Guest). (2018, December 5). Leaders and Legends of Online Learning[Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

Bali, M., Czerniewicz, L., Cronin, C., Morgan, T. (2018, December 6). Making International Academic Spaces International[Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Morgan, T. (2010). Flexible higher education: International pioneers reflect. Journal of Distance Education24(3), 1.

Morgan, T. (2008, March). Online teaching in international contexts:towards a socio-cultural perspective of teaching presence.  Paper presented at the CIDER Sessions, March 28, 2008.

Thesis and Dissertation

Morgan, T.  (2008).  The Negotiation of Teaching Presence in International Online Contexts.  Unpublished dissertation, University of British Columbia.

Morgan, T. (2001). Autonomy, Technology, and Spanish as a Foreign Language. Unpublished thesis, University of British Columbia.

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