Week 49 in review

Demofest – The big event for us this week was our now annual showcase of ed tech. We had similar numbers to last year, and we were thrilled to have a good number of external visitors from UBC MedIT, Kwantlen, Royal Roads, and even one from the Island.  We’re still gathering some videos of stuff that was shown, but for now the Demofest Guide is the best source for info on  what was showcased.

SSHRC discussions – There was a SSHRC call that fits in nicely with some research we want to do here at JIBC, and thanks to some good collaborative BC postsecondary folks we have a meeting scheduled to discuss more.

CC-NP discussion  – @mctoonish had an interesting blog post on whether a CC-NP license is needed.  I think this is a good idea, since it captures a sentiment that is missing from CC-BY and gets at a problem I’ve already blogged about here and here.  Here’s a thought for the EBSCOs–instead of *hiding* the fact that you are harvesting CC-BY articles under your brand (which, yes, you are entitled to do), why not capitalize on it by being the Fair Traders of academic publishing?  At a minimum, put a stamp on it that lets users know that it the source is CC-BY licensed?

Hazmat ibook to Pressbooks – we had the thought that we should take our get our Hazmat ebook out of ibooks and get it into Pressbooks, provided we can maintain some of the interactivity.

BCNET announced the keynotes for their 2015 conference and well, there’s that.  I guess Jennifer Chesney, Alexandra Samuel, Valerie Irvine, or anybody from EdtechWomen weren’t viable options, since I provided those names last year at feedback time.  As BCNET is indirectly funded with public funds, I guess I expect more effort on that front.

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